Monday, May 13, 2013

What's Next?

Hey everyone!

First of all, I want to congratulate you all on a truly fantastic season. We had an amazing group of runners this year, both old and new. People PRd, persevered through injuries, and some made it all the way to Metros! Those who didn't had an incredible time at All-Comers. I  think some non-distance runners may have made it to Districts but this is the distance blog so although I congratulate them, I'm not focusing on them. Anyways, I'm not going to spend too much time on how great we were this season because I kind of already did that in the last post. Instead, I want to talk about what's next.

The school year is coming to a close and with it, the end of high school for some of our teammates. I believe I speak for the team when I say we will miss all of the seniors that have run cross country and track with us over the past few years. Specifically, though, I want to say goodbye to three of our captains: Lisel Perrine, Bryson Good, and Jesse Simpson. You know these guys as leaders, teammates, and most importantly, friends. It'll be strange and a bit difficult to start the new season without them, but I hope you all join me in wishing them luck in the next phases of their lives. I know they will be successful and strong in whatever they choose to do, and I'm very glad to have gotten to know all of them.

So, back to the kids who are still at Sealth... what IS next? I know some of you are moving on to soccer or swimming or whatever else, and I wish you luck. But for those of you why are planning on joining us for CROSS COUNTRY (!!!) as a veteran or a newcomer, it's time...

to rest. Yup.

Although I am incredibly excited for and looking forward to cross country, I want to stress that RIGHT NOW you should be resting. Within the next few weeks we'll figure out when summer practices are and Greg will start handing out those packets he's been talking about. We'll go on adventure runs and get ice cream afterwards and we'll see how many of us can get our 200 mile shirts before the season actually starts. We'll compare our awkward running tan lines (along with some burns) and wear out our favorite shoes. But RIGHT NOW you should be on your butt on the couch or something, not running. Taking time off, even it's only a week, will help prevent injury. Not only will it give your body a chance to recover physically, but it will give you a mental break from training, racing, tapering, peaking and everything else that went with track season. REST IS GOOD. When you get to the point where you can't focus in school because you're staring out the window, wanting to feel that ache in your lungs, the stretch of muscles under your skin as you fly across the ground... Then you're ready to start training again. We'll be waiting. :)  So go eat all the things you don't eat while training, do all the things you don't have time for during the season and stay posted- I'll put up summer practice times soon! Plus some ideas for fun running events this summer. OH and also! The spring sports banquet will be next Tuesday, May 21st at 6:00. I hope to see you all there!

...are you resting yet?? :P