Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Last Meet

Hey everyone!

I thought I should toss one more post up here before the season ends… So, I know I've been gone for the majority of the season, and I can't really say I've seen you all working your butts off to get where you want to be… But I know you have been, because I've been seeing the results! Our first meet of the season was miserably rainy and cold, but you all ran through it, dealt with it and showed up at practice the next day ready to work again. That was an amazing way to start the season, especially for the new runners who weren't used to this sort of strange masochism. I didn't know if our new team was going to stick with this sport, or how hard they were going to work, but it seemed like we were off to a good sport. That was all I saw before I left for a month, pretty much.

I came back expecting more of the same, I guess, but I was astonished at how the team had grown in the time I'd been gone. I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised, as you all showed up at practice even after the first meet. Still, it was amazing to come back and see the way a group of random people who, just a month ago, had been relative strangers but were now incredibly supportive of each other and enthusiastic about working towards improvement. What I saw, on my first day back, was a real team.

This was proved to me again at the second meet I attended, a whole month later, which, in contrast to the first was brutally hot. I actually think the heat set some new Seattle records that day! I didn't compete at this meet, just ran around taking pictures (some of which will be at the end of this post). Because of this, I got to observe a lot of interactions between people on our team, and like I said, it was amazing. I saw friends cheering their friends on, of course, but also cheering on people they'd never met before this season. If someone was complaining about their shins, someone else would ask if they needed ice. If a person was out of water, a teammate would help find them some Gatorade or direct them towards the water fountain. Names don't matter here- the point is that we have really become a solid, strong team this season. Though I'm glad for the trips I got to go on this spring, I definitely wish I could have been there more with all of you, because you know how to make a person feel like a teammate.

So what's next? You guys got the team thing down; nailed it. I've been hearing about and witnessing PRs every week, maybe some school records on the guys' distance team (or at least close!). Athletic.net shows our team is improving in leaps and bounds as far as times and placing at meets. Plus, we're HUGE this year. Guys, I ordered over $1,000 worth of sweatshirts for less than 20 bucks each, and not even everyone on the team bought one. You do the math! (Also, those of you missing sweatshirts-- we're working on it, I promise!) The growth of our team represents the fact that we're really becoming something other people are interested in being a part of, and that's pretty cool.

Although all that's fantastic, I didn't really answer my own question- what's next? Well, next week is our LAST MEET of the season, unless you qualify for Metros (and there are definitely a few of you looking at that!). So… One more meet. I mean, technically there's still Metros and All-Comer's, but it's our last regular season meet. So tonight (if anyone is still awake, as it's already 10:30 PM…), tomorrow and Thursday morning, my advice is this: relax.

Yup. Relax. You've worked hard for this. You've pushed your body through speed workouts and long runs, multiple races and meets, crazy weather, maybe some injuries, and more. You've done the work. This week is to show off what you've got. If the last few weeks are any proof, you've got a lot. So Thursday, go out there and kick some ASS. Show 'em how tough you are. Guys, we're going to ROCK this meet. Are you ready?

Yes. You most definitely are. Let's do this!

And check out the pictures of you all WORKING IT last week for inspiration! :)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Track is Coming!!

Wow, it's 2014 guys. That means a couple of things; first of all, TRACK IS COMING so if you want to do well you'd better get off the couch and start running! Secondly, I'm graduating this year. So are like 10 other people on the team. Which means that we're going to make this year our absolute BEST yet, before we all leave Sealth. Sound like a plan?!

I know some people haven't been running, which is fine 'cause you probably needed a break after cross country. Maybe you did a winter sport. Maybe you just sat around on the couch eating your grandma's holiday cookies all day. Whatever happened, I get it, because I wasn't running much either.

But now we're halfway through January, and if you want to be successful during track, it is TIME to be running again! It might seem like a drag, but there's a saying about running (it applies to most things, actually) that I like: "The first three weeks are always the hardest. After that, it becomes habit."

If you're simply unmotivated and can't figure out a way to get off the couch, I have some ideas...

1. Pick a sport that inspires you. It doesn't have to be running; I chose ballet. Watch films about it, read about it, learn about it, and be inspired by it. Be inspired by someone else's sports story. Read about the Olympic athletes headed to Sochi. In all likelihood you'll be encouraged by the successes and failures, dreams and work ethics of other athletes. It will almost definitely inspire you to get back in shape yourself!

2. RUN WITH OTHER PEOPLE ON THE TEAM. This is beneficial for both you and everyone else on the team, as it encourages more of us to run. We have a Facebook page. Use it! If you want a running buddy post on the page when and where. With at least a day's notice someone will likely show up. PLUS Greg is currently at SWAC every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 3:15 PM to run with us. This Thursday the 23rd I will even be bringing chocolate chip cookies.

3. If you're busy after school and can't run with us for some reason or another, you have other options. On Tuesdays at 6:00 the Nike store downtown has a super-fun group run through the city, and at 11:00 on Saturday mornings West Seattle Runner has a teen running group. I've been to both and they're tons of fun! Plus sometimes it's easier to run when you know there's a certain place you're supposed to be at a certain time.

4. Does any of this encourage you to start preparing for track? I hope so! I know that a lot of you have also already been training, so good job to all you who have done that. If you're STILL unmotivated, still thinking you're going to wait until actual practices start to get in shape... Well, at least work out a LITTLE. Explore your athletic side! Go on a hike or a bike ride- I know some of the guys and Glover have been into cyclocross racing. Swim, rollerblade, whatever suits you. I've been spending my weekends between the ice rink and ballet studio! It's not running, but it's keeping in shape. Ideally you should find a cardio activity to prepare your lungs for the beating they're going to take during track, but as long as you're keeping fit SOMEHOW.

Hopefully I'll be seeing more of you guys out on the track and getting your mileage up! Don't forget- you can still get 500 and 1,000 mile shirts by the end of track season! :)