Friday, April 26, 2013

On Being A Team

Although right now I should definitely be doing my homework instead of blogging, today's meet impacted me so much that I feel the need to share it with you all before I become lost in a weekend of work. So, this will be relatively short, but important!

Today's weather was beautiful, right? The sun made a rare appearance and encouraged everyone to go out and enjoy it. Everyone except those of us racing on a shade-free track during the hottest part of the day (which, by the way, was 71 degrees). I saw tons of runners return to the stands after their event exhausted, guzzling water and wishing their lungs would return to normal while battling sunburns. I experienced the effects of the heat, too, and had my lungs pretty much seize up for the entire two miles I ran. My point here is that the weather today was surprisingly tough. Not to mention the injuries! But I'll get to that later.

Now this sounds like the most negative, whiny post I could have written. But look closer. Look at what we did today, as a team.

We all crossed finish lines. No one dropped out in the middle no matter how much they were hurting, even if they were seriously injured and perhaps would have really benefitted from quitting. But that's just it- we're not quitters! We had at LEAST four people get hurt/injured today, and I swear over half the team is suffering from, recovering from, or on the verge of another injury. When we get to a meet, do we sit there and sulk and complain? No! We make jokes and laugh, we goof off and take great pictures. We share stories and tease each other in a way that only people who are truly comfortable with  each other can. We have fun, and after seeing how the team reacted today, I'd say we make the best of things too.

As you may have noticed, we don't have enough uniforms to go around. Instead of people selfishly holding on to their clothes for fear of not having a uniform for their own race, we make do trading jerseys and shorts so that everyone who deserves a chance to compete and earn a score (which a. you have to have a uniform for, and b. everyone deserves) gets one. We're cool like that.

I've learned a lot so far this season. Not in the way you'd expect- not much related to running form or new workouts and the like. I'm actually having the slowest track season I've ever had and have been extremely disappointed with my performances. Yet somehow, this is also the very best track season I've ever experienced. What makes the difference?

You. All of you. You guys are my team and this year I've grown to realize just how damn grateful I am for all of you. We are a group of runners that are more fun-loving, enthusiastic, supportive of each other and fun to be around than any other I know. I am excited to go to practice every day, even if I have the flu and shin splints and probably even if I had three broken limbs, simply because I get to be with my favorite people ever. I don't think I can even fully explain the extent to which you all matter to me, and I hope you all feel the same way about each other. I am constantly amazed at the strong program we are building at Sealth, and that's not just because we got lucky and happened to get a few good runners. It's because our runners are not just runners. They- we- are hard-working, inspiring, tough, crazy, weird, outgoing and just plain freaking magnificently awesome.

I am incredibly grateful for every minute I spend with you guys as a team, and I hope I'm not alone in recognizing that our team is truly indescribable. Thanks, everyone. :) I'll see you all at practice!


  1. Wow! This post is not only well written but also an inspiring testament to what teamwork is all about. My hat's off to all of you!

    Mz. C
